CRASA recognized by the City of Houston

CRASA recognized by the City of Houston in declaration of AI Innovation and Entrepreneurship Day on February 7 2023

Assoc. Prof. Ryan Kennedy gave a fireside chat talk at Texas Smart Cities Summit.

CRASA’s project principal investigator Ryan Kennedy gave a fireside chat talk at the 2023 Texas Smart Cities Summit. See the video

CRASA Project Leads Received Faculty Excellence Awards

The University of Houston has announced the recipients of the Awards for Excellence in Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity for the 2021-2022 academic year.

Assoc. Prof. Ryan Kennedy, the PI of the CRASA project, is one of the two recipients of the Awards for Associate Professors. This award recognizes faculty who have established a growing record of outstanding research, scholarship and creative contributions, and who are emerging leaders in their field.

Distinguished University Prof. Ioannis A. Kakadiaris, a Co-PI of the CRASA project, is one of the two recipients of the Awards for Professors. This award recognizes faculty who have a substantial continuing record of outstanding research, scholarship and creative activities.

We congratulate our team members for their excellent achievements.